Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How Friendships Form

Now that Becca has gotten our first "awkward turtle" post out of the way (and yes, we do use that phrase here. It's usually paired with that silly 90's hand motion), now we can really start talking about how weird girls really are. 

There was a time in my life when most of my friends could only be seen within a computer screen.  We would all gather on social media for special pow-wow sessions where we would poke fun at each other and our circumstance.  After my own personal circumstances changed I watched those friends immediately disappear in the same computer screen where I had found them.  There was one exception to this though--her name is Becca.  She has been a huge cheerleader for me and and even bigger impact on my life.  No, we have never physically met, but I value my friendship with her more than any of those other fair-whether girls I used to call "friends".  Even though I can't see or here them, I know they whisper and gossip about me.  You know who hasn't?  Becca.  That girl is stuck with me 'til the end of time!

Friendships are formed based on like interests that both (or all) parties have.  With Becca, our interests started off as one thing, but as we grew closer we found more in common than just that one circumstance.  I may resent my past circumstances, but it brought me one of my closest friends and best confidant.  

Until next time, 


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Do They Say Awkward Turtle In Texas

Hey guys! Welcome to our new and exciting joint blog! Katie and I "met" a few months back and instantly connected over many life circumstances, most notably blogging. So, after having our own separate blogs for a while we have decided to join our efforts and bring the world one blog, full of all our crazy, often train-wreck of thoughts, stories, advice, and complaints. 

Our worlds are vastly different demographically and circumstantially. I live in the sticks and backwoods of Virginia, in a small town and I love it! Katie is in Texas and is much more of a city girl. She has killed every Texas stereotype I've ever had! I'm still trying to figure out how someone lives in Texas and hates country music. Sigh, love that girl! My significant other is in the Marine Corps and currently we have a long distance relationship (8 more months) as he is in California. His name is Brendon. Katie's significant other is the most favorite ginger I know, his name is Evan and we're pretty fond of him. Lol, yea I said "we're" and by that I mostly mean Katie adores him and i'm a huge fan of their oh so sweet relationship! 

So now that we got that awkward first post out of the way, we can get to the real meat and potatoes of this #girlprobz. Girls are weird. I'll leave it at that and catch ya on the flip side to elaborate soon. Perhaps Katie will throw her two cents in here soon, we all know she is the brains of this operation! I couldn't do this on my own. Cheers!